Mountain guiding

Mountain Guiding

Rock climbing mountain guiding

Napes Needle, was first climbed in 1886 by Walter Hasket Smith. Arguably the birthplace of rock climbing. This is just one of the routes on offer when you choose private mountain guiding. We can discuss your aims, aspirations and make loads of suggestions of where to climb. There are limitless options and styles of climbing on offer here in the Lake District.

We could get up onto the high mountain crags like Gimmer and Dow or if you’d prefer the valley crags there are really accessible venues like Shepherds and Raven Crag Langdale that offer brilliant climbing just a few minutes walk from the car.


Mountaineering in the heart of the Lake District. Where better to escape the mobile phone and tackle some the classic mountian scrambles.

A great day with Stu developing lead climbing and top roping skills. He found us the only dry crag in the Lakes which was a bonus! Stu listened to where we were up to in our outdoor climbing experience and tailored a day which took us out of our comfort zone but developed our skills and confidence to go out and lead easy single/multi pitch climbs on our own. Perfect day and great, supportive training! Thanks!


Learning mountain skills

As well as offering mountain guiding we also offer instructional tuition.

Just a few ideas or options are:

  • Learn ropework for scrambling
  • Learn to lead rock climbing
  • Learn to rig a top rope climb
  • Learn mountain navigation

Hi Stu, Just wanted to say a huge thank you for yesterday. I learned loads, the day was everything I’d asked for, will definitely be recommending Climb365 to friends and booking again in the near future! Best Regards

Dan Maltby

Scottish winter mountaineering guiding

We offer Scottish winter guiding; Bespoke guiding and tuition in Scotland. Classics, like Tower ridge to a 5 day learn winter lead climbing. Scotland in winter is a truly challenging and rewarding environment.

A great day out in Aviemore, I needed very specific tuition as I’m off to Everest in a months time. Stu tailored the day to my needs in a very professional way. Highly recommended. Dominic Renshaw


It’s your special day or week in the mountains and we know how valuable these times are. We really focus on you and enjoy being in the mountains with our clients/friends.

Each booking is usually discussed in advance and we arrange to meet you at the chosen venue to give you the best experience we can each day. This is not an off-the-shelf booking but thought-through private guiding.

Booking mountain guiding offers you flexibility and individual instruction. The only agenda is yours and we do our very best to offer you exactly what you hope for and more.

We have guided people with pretty much all ranges of experience, strengths and fears and aspirations.

When we meet people for the first time we chat and work out where to start and what level might suit you. As the day/s progress, we will build our knowledge of what you like and what suits you and it becomes a lovely relationship of trust between us both. This really enables us to help you progress and build confidence and skills. Not forgetting having a great time climbing or mountaineering.

There is no set venue. Every day is dictated by your agenda and aspirations. Of course, the weather will have an influence on our choice of venues.

We will discuss this with you through the booking process.

You will be booking a day or multiple days. You can book these in a row or separate them to book individual days.

Each day will vary slightly in length. If we’re high up on a mountain crag we might have a slightly longer day to get the best of the day.

Generally, we meet clients at 9 am either at your accommodation or at a car park at the venue to get going and give you a good full day.

The kit we provide:

We will provide technical equipment where needed. Helmet, harness, ropes, belay plates etc. We do also have a selection of rock shoes available.

Do you need to bring anything?

If you have your own helmet, harness, rock shoes belay plate etc please bring these along.

Of course for being out all day clothing appropriate for the weather and rucksack, food, drink etc.

We’ll send you a kit list PDF of info at booking to serve as a reminder.

Mountain guiding is exactly what it says it is. Your booking low ratio bespoke guiding.

Rock Climbing, ice climbing and roped Mountaineering are usually 1:2 max ratio.

E.g. If you are a group of 4  friends together we can provide two staff to work with you for as many days as you have time available.

If you are a bigger group looking for bespoke guiding we can offer you advice on ratios and what’s possible. We do find some might book a day at a higher ratio then progress onto to 1:2 for further days enabling more focused guiding and tuition.

Lake District mountain guiding

£250 for 1:1
£270 for 1:2 or £135pp
£300 for 1:3 or £100pp
£360 for 1:4 or £90pp

Scottish Winter guiding

£300 for 1:1
£360 for 1:2 or £180pp
£405 for 1:3 or £135pp
£460 for 1:4 or £115pp