Learning to lead rock climbing course
Want to be a self-sufficient trad lead climber? Totally hands-on sharp end lead course just for you

“Thanks guys for a great week really looking forward to getting out to put into the practise all the techniques I learned”
Learning to lead rock climbing course
Why should I do this learning lead rock climbing course?
This 5-day multi-pitch learning lead rock climbing course.
Our aim on this learning lead rock climbing course is that by the end of the course you will be happy to lead, placing leader protection, and look after a second on rock routes outside; To choose appropriate routes for your self and you’re second, placing and assessing rock gear, building safe belays and have good rope management skills.
What does this course cover?
On Day 1
Of the learning to lead rock climbing course, we guide you up as many routes as we can get done in a day, allowing you to relax and feel comfortable on the rope.
We’ll also cover belaying a second, removing rock gear, rope management, building belays and climbing efficiently.
On Day 2
You start to lead on very easy routes. We will be beside you while you climb on a separate rope.
The aim is to climb something so easy you don’t have to worry about climbing and can concentrate on placing protection.
We concentrate specifically on gear placement, gear assessment and belay building.
As there are always two of you on the course, we keep getting you both to swing leads so that you each have experience of leading.
On Days 3 and 4
We build on what you have learnt previously, continuing to reinforce the basics of gear placement while introducing more essential ideas: looking after the second, stance management and climbing tricks and techniques to make your life easier. We will be beside you while you climb on a separate rope.
By Day 5
We expect you will be happy to lead a route without our assistance. We will be on hand nearby, watching but allowing you to make decisions and take the lead on your own.
We aim to visit as many different venues and rock types as possible during the course of the week.
Who else will be on the course?
The course will be run on a maximum of 1 instructor to 2 client ratio.
What do I need to bring?
Climb 365 provides you with all the safety equipment you need including a harness, helmet, ropes and lead rack.
If you have any of your own equipment, it is a good idea to use that as you will always feel more comfortable with the familiar equipment.
You need to wear rock boots for leading and we suggest that you buy a pair if you do not already have them.
You will also need a packed lunch, waterproofs, spare jumper, walking boots or similar and rucksack.
Although no previous climbing experience is necessary, you will get more out of the course if you have done some indoor wall climbing or have seconded some routes outside.
This course is aimed at enabling you to become a fully self-sufficient trad lead rock climber.
The course is very hands-on and we aim to get you learning by doing. We want to get you leading as soon as possible. This is usually by the end of day 1 or the beginning of day 2.
How do we do that? We get you climbing on day 1 allowing you to relax and us to assess your level of climbing. We can then get you on a route that is well below your climbing skill level so that we can focus on your learning to place protection, learn about building belays etc. so much fun learning.
In the past, we have offered set course dates but have generally found that clients prefer dates that suit their diary.
Responding to this, we now offer this course on any 5 consecutive days to suit both your and our availability.
If you have the choice weekdays are quieter in the hills but many clients have busy lives and overlapping a weekend can be useful.
You are booking a bespoke course so you get to choose your best dates.
We deliver this 5-day course for up to two people per guide.
The total course price for 2 people is £1150, that’s £575 per person.
We can work 1:1 as well and the total 5-day course fee would be £1050.
The kit we provide.
We provide all technical kit for the activity. Perhaps you have your own rock shoes from climbing indoors, that’s great please bring any kit you have. If not we will supply these.
For this course, we also can supply a full lead rock rack. You may wish to purchase before, during or after your course. Please drop us a line to chat if you want any pre-course advice on what to buy.
What do I need to bring?
You will need a packed lunch, waterproofs, spare jumper, walking boots or similar and rucksack. If you have your own harness and helmet please bring these too.
We use world pay to make things safe and as easy as possible for you.
Learning to lead rock climbing course
From: £1,050.00
If you would like to email or chat please don’t hesitate to get in touch.